%d1%81%d0%bd%d0%b8%d0%bc%d0%be%d0%ba-%d1%8d%d0%ba%d1%80%d0%b0%d0%bd%d0%b0-2015-10-24-%d0%b2-18-18-22Who is that favourite fabulous hero from your childhood? A knight in shining armour or a hardworking Cinderella, Pippi Longstocking or Princess Sheherazade? Quite often our choice determines both our further life scenarios and the way we solve our problems afterwards. A fairy tale is the most ancient and wise way to convey family values, that is relevant even nowadays.

%d1%81%d0%bd%d0%b8%d0%bc%d0%be%d0%ba-%d1%8d%d0%ba%d1%80%d0%b0%d0%bd%d0%b0-2015-10-26-%d0%b2-19-19-52Today there are 130 thousand registered pre-school and primary school children, whose parents have difficulties with their raising. The topical task of The House of Fairy Tales is to solve discipline problems, to retain a contact with the relatives and to convey values from one generation to another. Our professional team consists of clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, educators and designers, artists, programmers (IT specialists) and producers. We create products that can be helpful to every family.

IMG_8980Specialists of The House of Fairy Tales wrote a book for children who suffer from celiac disease, wrote and published a book of therapeutic stories “The Fairy Tale of Pikhtosha”, a board game “Fairy Tales constructor” and a various aids for psychologists and teachers. We gave more than 50 master-classes for parents and babies, including orphanage from Kalkuni and the centre Sirota.lv, The Association of Disabled people Motus Vita, Riga boarding school of Moscow suburbs and a number of different organizations and social projects. Currently, The House of Fairy Tales is a project of Family Support centre, which solves the problems with the upbringing and education, social integration and conveying the values from one generation to another. We invent stories, that change life scenarios and solve any problem, even the most difficult. There are plenty of fairy tales for children with special needs and educating stories in our portfolio. Our main task is to teach every Latvian parent how to invent similar fairy tale on his or her own.

img_6558On our way of the target realization, we release an application for smartphones and tablets with therapeutic stories, we are also working on creating an interactive program for distant learning, programming a website www.skazki.lv for parents and specialists, besides, we are working on a textbook, that teaches parents to create magic stories. In future we hope to become a centre for future development of The Museum of Fairy Tales in Riga, that will help to keep and popularize the heritage of Latvian culture and will become a base for working with Latvian families and will become a popular tourist attraction, like Stockholm museum Junibaken or The House of a Fairy Tale in St Petersburg.

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We are looking for partners and are ready for cooperation in various fields:

– a company that is ready to provide its  rooms for The House of Fairy Tales, spacious enough for a big number of children and parents

– architecture and design bureau for  project design of the House of Fairy tales;

– publishing companies and  printing houses for books releases and special aids for children with special needs;

– IT specialists for creating cooperative projects in our main profile;

– volunteers- writers, translators, journalists, psychologists, teachers, actors, which are ready to make this world a bit better with the help of fairy tales.

We are sure that a fairy tale can live in each Latvian family.